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Beds made up for arrival, Heating included, Welcome pack, Bath towels included, Laundry facilities, All inclusive, Dishwasher (excludes glamping properties), Meet & Greet

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This feature is designed to make it easy for you to shortlist the cottages you like the look of. You can add any individual cottage to your favourites by clicking the "Add to Favourites" button on a cottage page, or by clicking the heart icon on a cottage result in the search. To remove a cottage from your favourites list, simply go to “My Favourites”, and unclick the heart icon on the top right-hand corner of a cottage – it will then be removed when you revisit, or refresh the page.



You can call us on 0117 325 8810 or email us your contact details if you would like a call back

(This service is normally available between 09.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday. At all other times, please submit an email request.)

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